I would definitely recommend Thatsup Web to all kinds of businesses - florists, hairdressers or anything really, not just restaurants.
Visit restaurangartilleriet.seRelatively few local business have a proper graphic profile, but Artilleriet did. An existing graphic profile always makes it simpler to create a really great looking, unique design that truly represents the business.
Design and contentNo matter what booking system the salon uses we’ll integrate it seamlessly into the website. The emphasis then is on driving visitors towards making a booking. The website is designed to ensure as many visitors as possible book (conversion rate) and wherever it’s relevant we include CTA buttons to prompt booking.
Our statistics system shows us what visitors are doing on the website, thereby allowing us to optimise the content accordingly.
Other useful functions.The best things about it are the simplicity and the support, the fact that you can make changes yourself or get help if you need it. You provide great assistance.
Fredric at Thatsup told us about the product and how it could solve the problems we had with our old website. He showed us some of the work you've done for other places and we were really impressed
What do you think is the best thing about the product?The simplicity and support, the fact that you can rest easy knowing you can easily change something that's not right about your website, whether you change it yourself or get help from you. You provide great assistance
What's your overall impression, are you pleased with your website and everything to do with itExtremely pleased!
That's nice to hear. What is it exactly that makes you so pleased?Partly the fact that we've had help with fantastic photography several times and we've had the opportunity to give our input and create our own feeling with the website, how we want it designed
What do you think of the admin tool? How do you find making updates yourself?Incredibly simple! It's really straightforward if you want to change the menus or copy on the website. We can even get help creating more subpages if we want
That sounds great. Do you go in and update the website often?I update the lunch menu at the start of each week and it works perfectly
Have you tried changing the opening hours at all?Yes, same thing there. Since we started our working relationship the admin tool has been updated with a function for irregular opening hours, which is perfect for the Christmas and Easter period etc.
How would you describe the process from idea to finished product?Also very smooth. I think we had a meeting in person and since then we've had regular contact if there are any small changes to be made
Would you recommend Thatsup Web to other local businesses and, if so, why?Yes! You often hear what a hassle websites are, you get stuck in old contracts and it's hard to change copy and pictures. I would really recommend Thatsup Web to all kinds of businesses - florists, hairdressers and anything really, not just restaurants.